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Full text of "Monroe County, Indiana Legal Survey Book 4"

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Kevin Enright, MCS 

Legal Survey Book 4, Page 20 

01/21/1998, Sheet 1 of 1 


/ Of 3 



FOf/A/0 iStVA/F 

A/tOFbe. S. t(>-TJM-A/f Jgf-- 

P/1 FT OF N\M 'A ar ME A SfC 26 - TON- f /2 

2/4-3. SZ' 


Part of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 26, 

Township 9 North, Range 1 East lying south of the Indian Treaty Line 
described as follows: 

Beginning at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast 
quarter of said Section 26, presently marked by a stone with cut cross; 
thence North 02 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds West 1,013.92 feet along 
the west line of said quarter quarter to the Indian Treaty line; 
thence South 53 degrees 16 minutes 12 seconds East 1609.31 feet along 
said Indian I reaty Line to the south line of said quarter quarter; 
thence South 87 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West 1253.77 feet along 
south line of said quarter quarter to the point of beginning, containing o±o Srovr 

14.59 acres more or less. 

foo/oo OJ. 5. Mo/J _ 

I hereby certify that the survey work performed on the project 
shown hereon was performed by me or under my direct supervision and 
control, and that all information is true and correct to the best of my 
knowledge and belief. 

BenSo_S17 Bk * 310 

S£T jc.x Pg..47 & 4 8 

A/IV fOje/S/re A/£ % 

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Bk. 113 
Pg. 447 


FOUAJO 05. Moa/. £570a/ r 

OF. f*eu££ S.%-T9NF/f 

BenSo U17 

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Certified this of January, 1998.^^ a 5. Mo a/. 




FO///ZO f-rOA/E 
Foua/d U. 3. MoA/oMF/jr 

J\/rT X. P av / O/P 

O /. P //O/Atf/r 57 T/CF 

Stephen E. Ramsey Ind 
3920 West Forrest Park Dr. 
Bloomington, IN 47404 

I. L.S. ft: 


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BenSo U19